Annual General Meeting


In the world of official groups and bodies, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) is incredibly significant. It's not just a forum for reviewing the previous year's achievements and challenges; it also sets the stage for future planning and strategy. A crucial element of an AGM is documenting its discussions, known as AGM Minutes. This blog post explores the what, why, and how of AGM Minutes, offering a thorough guide for associations.

What Are Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes?

An AGM, or Annual General Meeting, is a compulsory gathering of all members of an incorporated association. This meeting usually happens after the end of the financial year, providing a chance to present financial statements to the members. It's a regulatory requirement for the AGM to occur within five months after the financial year ends.

The core of AGM Minutes is their role as an official record of the discussions and decisions made during the meeting. These minutes are more than just routine documentation; they're a reflection of the association's dedication to transparency, accountability, and member involvement.

Key Components of AGM Minutes

The committee overseeing the AGM must ensure the minutes cover essential information, including:

  • Financial Statements: An in depth look at the financial statements shared at the meeting.
  • Certification: A certificate signed by two committee members, confirming the financial statements' authenticity.
  • Professional Review/Audit Report: If relevant, any professional review or audit report linked to the financial statements.

The AGM allows members to examine the financial well being of the association. It's crucial that any resolutions about the financial statements are precisely recorded in the minutes.

The AGM also provides a platform to discuss necessary upkeep or repairs, introduce new rules, and possibly impose special levies for upcoming projects. A plan for the maintenance of amenities and the building might also be talked about and included in the minutes.

Distribution and Preservation of AGM Minutes

Sharing AGM Minutes is as important as creating them. Members should have access to the minutes no later than seven days after the meeting. Furthermore, it's a legal requirement to keep the minutes at the company's inspection location for at least ten years from the date of the AGM. This ensures the minutes are always available for reference and review.

The minutes usually include the company's name, registered office address, and specifics of the AGM (date, time, and location). To promote transparency, if allowed, members of the public may request access to these minutes.

If a member asks to inspect the association's rules and the minutes of general meetings, the association must facilitate this. The inspection should be scheduled at a convenient time. Also, if a member formally requests a copy of the rules or minutes, the association must provide them within 14 days.


AGM Minutes aren't just a procedural requirement; they're a fundamental aspect of good governance for incorporated associations. They capture the democratic essence of an AGM, ensuring every member's voice is heard and recorded. By following the guidelines mentioned, associations can ensure compliance, encourage transparency, and lay the groundwork for future success.

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