From Just Looking to Legally Owning: Your Conveyancer's Guiding Hand through Property Purchase


Venturing into the realm of property ownership is an exhilarating yet complex journey. Having a proficient conveyancer by your side can turn this intricate process into a smooth sail. At Pearson Chambers Conveyancing, we specialise in orchestrating an affordable and drama-free transition of property ownership. This blog post sheds light on what a conveyancer does to facilitate a hassle-free property purchase for the buyer.

Conveyancing is the legal tapestry that ensues once you've set your heart on a property to purchase. The ultimate goal here is to transition from a mere buyer to the legal owner of your new abode. This involves a slew of legal procedures that transfer the ownership rights from the vendor to you. Your conveyancer is the maestro, harmonising every note of this complex orchestration to ensure a seamless transfer of ownership.

Here’s a glimpse into the services rendered by conveyancers at Pearson Chambers to support buyers through their property ownership voyage:

  1. Validation of Seller's Ownership: We meticulously verify that the seller holds the legitimate rights to sell the property, ensuring there are no encumbrances on the title that could obstruct the transfer of ownership to you.

  2. Pre-purchase Contract Review: An optional service, where we scrutinise the contract and the seller’s property disclosure statement (or Section 32 statement) to pinpoint any potential risks or terms that require amendment for your protection.

  3. Post-signature Contract Advice: Once the contract is signed, we clarify your rights, obligations, and the key milestones that lie ahead, ensuring you're well-versed with the contract and Section 32.

  4. Transparent Communication: Every step of the conveyancing process is communicated to you clearly. We ensure you are well-informed about your responsibilities and the pivotal actions required on specified dates.

  5. Legal Paperwork Preparation: We draft all requisite legal documents to gear up for the transition of ownership.

  6. Settlement of Unpaid Rates: Adjustments concerning unpaid rates and outgoings against the property are handled meticulously to prevent any outstanding fees being transferred to you post-settlement.

  7. Notification of Fee Shares: We notify you about your share of rates and fees payable at settlement while preparing the Statement of Adjustments.

  8. Coordination with Relevant Parties: A ballet of coordination is conducted with other parties involved, like incoming lenders, to ensure they possess all essential documentation for settlement.

  9. Electronic Settlements via PEXA: We employ PEXA (an online settlement platform) for electronic settlements, managing settlement figures and arranging the payment of settlement monies to the vendor proficiently.

  10. Transfer of Ownership Notification: Post-settlement, we notify councils and other relevant authorities about the transfer of ownership details.

  11. Round-the-Clock Support: Our team is at your disposal from the moment you decide to purchase until the keys are in your hands. However, we do stop short at helping with packing and unpacking your boxes!

Pearson Chambers takes great pride in simplifying the conveyancing process for buyers, ensuring a smooth transition to property ownership. To delve deeper into our conveyancing services or to request a complimentary quote, feel free to reach out to us at or call 0421 058 106. Our adept conveyancers are here to guide you every step of the way from purchase to ownership.


Disclaimer: The information presented in this article is intended for general informational purposes only and may not cater to your specific circumstances. It should not be utilized as a basis for legal, tax, or accounting advice. The legal advice provided may vary based on individual situations. The expressed viewpoints within this article are strictly those of the author and may not represent or align with those of Pearson Chambers. All content is protected under copyright, owned by Pearson Chambers Pty Ltd