Navigating the Waters of Section 32: Your Compass in Victoria’s Property Market

Section 32 Document navigating the Victorian property landscape

Embarking on a property transaction journey in Victoria? A vital companion in this venture is a document known as Section 32 or the Vendor’s Statement. This key piece of documentation is a legal requisite under the Sale of Land ACT 1962 VIC (the Act) when selling property in this region. Think of Section 32 as your property’s clean bill of health, akin to a vehicle’s roadworthy certificate, ensuring a smoother sail in the property market seas.

Unlike other Australian states, Victoria has a unique real estate protocol, with Section 32 at its core. This document serves as the vendor’s disclosure to prospective buyers, highlighting the essential details of the property on sale. It's a window through which a buyer can easily glimpse what’s on offer, from rates to other outgoings, providing a clearer view of their potential investment.

Yet, sailing these waters requires a vigilant eye. Overlooking or misinterpreting any detail within the Section 32 can result in turbulent waters ahead, often costing a hefty sum to navigate through. It’s a tale often told by clients who, unaware of the implications, signed contracts only to discover overlooked crucial information later. Hence, due diligence isn’t just a phrase, it’s a crucial step in understanding the financial commitment you are about to make.

Diving Into Section 32

Section 32 encompasses a plethora of information about the property in question, including:

  • Title Evidence: Featuring a copy of the Title Search and any Plan or subdivision plans and permits.
  • Land Liens: Information on mortgages or charges over the land.
  • Land Restrictions: Any Section 173 Agreement, easements, covenants, and other encumbrances.
  • Monetary Outgoings: Details on council and water rates, land tax, and Owners Corporations charges.
  • Leases, Building Particulars, Roads & Planning Details, and a host of other necessary information.

A thorough Section 32 not only adheres to the Act but gives the purchaser a right to rescind the Contract of Sale if any information is found to be missing or defective. Moreover, any false or incomplete information on the Vendor's part can also lead to the contract's rescission.

Conveyancing Compass: Pearson Chambers

Navigating through the documentation and legalities can be a complex task. However, having a seasoned conveyancer by your side can significantly ease the process. At Pearson Chambers Conveyancing, our adept team excels at meticulously reviewing Section 32 documents, ensuring you’re well-versed with the nuances of the property you are eyeing.

We understand that buying a property isn’t just about the appealing aesthetics of a home, but a long-term investment in the land and its potential. Thus, we dive deep into the land details, uncovering any lurking issues that could surface post-purchase.

Moreover, for those digitally inclined, the Act allows for electronic signing of Section 32, further streamlining the process.

Your Legal Beacon: Expert Advice

Seeking expert advice before signing on the dotted line can not only save you from a stormy purchase experience but can also save significant amounts of money in the long run. Whether you’re a vendor ensuring accurate disclosure or a purchaser seeking to understand the intricacies of a Section 32 document, the right conveyancer can make all the difference.

At Pearson Chambers, our seasoned conveyancing lawyers are adept at handling a myriad of property disputes and contract rescissions, steering you clear from common property pitfalls.

Connect with our conveyancing crew today for guidance on purchasing or selling property, or for assistance with property disputes. Reach out via email at or ring us at 0421 058 106. Let us guide you through calmer waters in Victoria’s property market.



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